Into 2021 with a whimper.

It’s fair to say that 2020 put a BIG stop to my gaming activities, the continuous lockdown curtailed all RPG and table-top gaming. Nonetheless, I continued to develop several things I’ve been working over using the online Tabletop Simulator. The Battletech game for which I had developed the rather complex 3d map for, happened, but sadly ground to a halt. I fear the project was too grand in scale. But, I learned a lot about 3d modelling, and even managed to tutor my pals as they too started modelling the mech’s for our game. Role-Playing games have become a mainstay of my lockdown life, and I’ve been keen to expand my homebrewed GURPS concepts. I’m now running a Fallout style game which you can listen to the podcasts for on YouTube and Twitch. Again, a custom character sheet was an essential part of the game for me.. so here is my take on a Fallout character sheet for table top RPG. Fallout character sheet A shame I do all this essentially for ‘nothing’ really, with the “official” fallout game in the works, sigh… This game has done one very important thing for my ‘game development’ interests, ever since the Gangster era game, and then again in my Cyberpunk game, and now in my current Fallout game, I’ve used a damage system which has been refined over time, and I think, if I can make it fluid and faultless- I’ll be publishing as possibly the first actual AFour Games “release”. The core of the idea is that damage can only ever be a ‘maximum’ within known parameters. That is to say, a character in a game can only be so  dead, before any additional numbers and calculations become pointless… With this little bit of concepting going on I’ve otherwise been busy enjoying playing games rather than coming up with complex nonsense. The Fallout game has essentially been a mutated version of the Cyberpunk game, change a few names and details and it’s all quite the same, but I’m ever more reliant on the core rules of GURPS even if there are still parts I choose to avoid and ignore. And so, for the rest of 2021, I look forward to getting back into the swing of things.

In the works currently:

  • A mutation of the game ‘mini-rogue’ aimed at a more classic RPG style game.
  • My Fallout RP game, custom RP sheets, lots of Random generator work.
Profile photo of Richard Peall
Richard Peall