About Afour

Hello, Most folk call me Rich, and I’ve been an avid hobby gaming enthusiast for nearly as long as I can recall. But I was lucky enough to take my youthful dreams and make them into something so much more.

In my teens I took up tabletop gaming. like most, this was thanks to products from Games Workshop, I was able to find like minded people and even lucky enough that I helped build and mould a successful hobby gaming club through which I was able to explore an as yet untapped fascination within the hobby; home rules.

I quickly began editing existing rules to make games exciting and soon I went beyond just adding my own flavour to existing rules, I wanted to go all the way into making and designing my own games rules.

In only a matter of months I was overflowing with ideas, and since those days more than two decades ago, I have been continually devising and working on my own tabletop games rules.

I’ve faced setbacks and troubles, but always I’m called back. I came up with the silly name Afour Games for one equally silly reason, my rules were nearly always printed out onto an A4 sheet of paper, I began to make a point that some of my very earliest games had all of their rules on just one A4 page. And since then, it stuck as a name and reminder of where I started.

A blank sheet of paper is just a rules set yet to be written.